Beth Silverman / Long Shot / Juan Catalan

This is the shortest article in history.

Beth Silverman - Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney prosecutor - was happy to prosecute Juan Catalan to the Death Penalty based on a weak circumstantial eyewitness account.

Beth Silverman - are you fucking serious?!?!

There’s no place in honourable law practice for psychopathic misandrists like you.

Along with the two detectives relieved of duty for entrapment, you should be barred from law practice, permanently, due to gross negligence.

And now you’re trying to grab even more money by claiming harassment against you! Give that money to Juan Catalan! You’re not an honourable lawyer - you’re a puerile scam artist.


  1. Totally agree. As a fellow lawyer, I found Ms. Silverman to be disdainful, callous and dismissive in the face of overwhelming evidence. She really ought to be ashamed. More importantly, Ms. Silverman should be thankful that Mr. Catalan was exonerated despite her incompetence.

    1. Why is she still in the DA office should be disbarred. DID SHE EVER APOLIGIZE

  2. Dear Ari, thanks for your comment. Yes, I find it unbelievable that this type of practice exists. I mean, surely there is always the qualifier when “doing your job” that it’s the right and ethical thing to do - even in law. Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but there was no legal imperative on Ms. Silverman to push for the death penalty. And she did so even though her case was marred by a ton of reasonable doubt. In reference to your final comment, do you think she even feels thankful at all? Her conception of law seems to have been corrupted by her own psychopathology.

  3. I just watched this documentary late last week. Ms. Silverman, knowing full well that Martha Puebla hadn't implacated anyone in the Vargas murder, simply thought she had the scapegoat she and the crooked cops involved in the case could use to add another notch to their belts. Not so much as a public apology from this vile "attorney" who takes pride in sending people to death row, nor so much as verbal reprimand from the DA's office. She took what she knew full well to be among the weakest, most unreliable forms of evidence and somehow turned it into a murder indictment? Come to find out that the only reason that poor girl was murdered was because of a fake lineup identification the cops attributed to her and used to attempt to extract a confession out of an alleged criminal. This woman belongs nowhere near a courtroom. Not as a Plaintiff at least.

    1. Totally agree however instead of inaction those who have the power should press for her removable the goal of the DA office is to make sure they have the right person 320K for Jaun is not enough Beth Silverman is just plain evil. The truth means nothing to her

  4. Beth Silverman also did the John Racz Case, Circumstantial Evidence Only murder to his wife. There was several evidence proven that the Homicide Detectives that worked the case and/or Beth Silverman deliberately suppressed evidence in Mr. John Racz favor proving that his wife was still alive. There were other people that should have been investigated as well. His wife was seeing her boyfriend from High School after meeting him at a class reunion. She ended up missing with no body found, no DNA found, but just because her husband was a retired deputy sheriff they assumed he murdered his wife. Beth Silverman told the jury that his wife did not use any credit cards after the date of her missing. A credit card was used that belonged to her and they suppressed that information in fear it would muddy the waters of her case. They even suppressed the issue that the missing person report had the wrong address given to them from their pastor and therefore the homicide detectives where investigating the wrong address at first according to a deputy who said he checked at the wrong address. None of this information was in his trial, we are still trying to get him out. Some District Attorneys stop at nothing and will do anything just to win a case.

  5. BS - I hope you find peace. We all make mistakes. Only the strong admit them and make it right.

  6. She obviously did her job trying to get the conviction, however she also did ignore the flawed investigation and totally wrote off the hbo recordings as “nothing” — which it obviously was not. One could blame her for just wanting that streak not to end.

  7. She did not her job...she was a successful prosecutor but her ego push her to fail...used to get victories and you know fellas...period

    1. it is easy to be a “successful” prosecutor. You have the full force of the government behind you. These prosecutors suppress exculpatory evidence all of the time. That is illegal. When exculpatory evidence comes up, as it did in this Catalan case, they ignore it. SHE IGNORED IT. Most prosecutors are “successful” because the marginlized people they try to put in jail do not have the resources to hire an attorney. She is a white woman, with no regard for people of color. That is clear. I wish her NOTHING BUT THE WORST.

  8. Beth Silverman your sick never say never every dogs gots it day Juan was innocent to begin with now who's the joker your a sorry ass lawyer who will always be remember for losing ur first and more to come cases like they say in Spanish pinche sniper. Ni que que la chingada lol

  9. A filthy lying,greedy,sociopath. And I don't believe a word of her harassment allegations. Smoke and mirrors bitch. Smoke and mirrors.

  10. A big question that needs to be asked is how many other innocent persons has this “lawyer” put in jail or worse, taken their lives, for her ego???

  11. I JUST SAW THIS BIO ON NETFLEX. I cannot believe that this person is allowed to hold a license; to represent herself as an officer of the court. I can ONLY hope, at the very least, that one day, one of her kids will endure what she dished out to this young man. She clearly did this, because she did not care if she did this to a young man, with brown skin, whose life she did not value. I hope that when her kids, or someone she loves experiences injustice, that SHE HAS A FRONT ROW SEAT. despicable human being.

  12. When people say Beth Silverman was just "doing her job", that is not correct. DA's job is to seek justice, not to convict everyone they can. Now, on top of that, there seems to be a mental dimension to this. Her highly-charged fighting against the obvious truth that Catalan was the wrong guy -- a normal person (let alone a sworn ADA) would have paused, probably told the judge, let my office evaluate new evidence, let him out on reduced bail, and then come back soon to drop the charges. But no, she was psychopathically devoted to her version of it, completely unwilling to face the truth. That fault alone should exclude her from being a sworn public servant. Then her attempt to keep the case pressed and suppressing evidence -- that is clear grounds for disbarment. At minimum, she should be suspended from practicing law for several years. Take a look at other attorneys who permanently lost their license for lesser offenses.

  13. I just watched this documentary and was paying close attention to the epilogue waiting to see what consequences were suffered by Beth Silverman for the cavalier manner in which she plays with lives. Nothing. Nothing at all. Ms. Silverman that nose job of yours is not going to change all of that ugly inside you. Judgement day will come for you as well.

    1. Agreed. There is a downside to having these officials elected. Perhaps a better system would require both appointment and public approval.


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